Monday, 21 November 2022

The effect of Parents on School performance

     A child does their best to live up to their parent's standards and try to make them proud of their achievement. This actually puts the students in so much stress and studying starts to feel like a punishment. A child or a student at any age should be taught that education is something important for them as they grow throughout their lives, that the skills that they will encounter is what will make them achieve the dreams that they have. Despite the fact that students are forced to take subjects they are not interested in, they learn how to overcome such obstacles. Parents tend to be competitive when it comes to their child's grades and performance! No!!! and a Big NO!! because children are not supposed to pressure themselves and stress themselves and get themselves sick for them to be accepted by their parents or feel their sense of self worth or being proud of! The encouragement and support that is provided by the parents to their children makes a huge difference.

        Each student has their own learning style, their own way of grasping information. If your child doesn't always get high grades this doesn't define who they are or if they are smart or dumb. Maybe their interests are different, their learning style is different, they are under stress, they are sad! Students should not be terrified from their parents when it comes to grades and fear a punishment for their performance or being hit for it. Their are way important things than grades and school, and everyone has their pace at learning things. Teach your children the importance of education and try to prove it to them in how they could use it in their daily lives. The performance of students will excel once they feel safe, improve their self confidence and self belief, when they get support, and when they are heard and respected on what they like and what they don't. Love your kids unconditionally and stop comparing them to other students. We are all unique, be the supporter to your child and not the barrier to their dreams. 

Written by: Dana Molla 

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